Genie you’re free

Today marks a year since the incredible talent and man that is Robin Williams lost his battle with depression and took his own life to escape the hell of his mental illness. I felt I needed to dedicate a post to his memory and hopefully reach out to anyone suffering in silence.

If you are having suicidal thoughts I am here to say no matter what your mind is telling you, you are worthy and you are loved. Suicide eliminates the chance of life ever getting better; I should know. I was suicidal for months and on a few occasions put my life in danger. If I had been successful I wouldn’t be here to write this. I would be dead. From the ashes of my depression I have risen higher than I have ever done before. This will happen to you too. It won’t seem it now; I understand that so much. You feel like you are worthless; that everyone around you will be better off without you here. But that is a LIE! A lie being told to you by your illness. You are going to have to fight. You have to fight for your life because you cannot let it win. You must succeed and you will. And one day, you will look back on your battle and you can stand proud.

Depression is a killer. But it doesn’t have to kill you. You are so important. More important than you could ever know. Whether you know God or not he is begging for you to fight and if you let him, he will help you win. You deserve to live, not just exist. For you are perfect in Gods eyes and he has such a huge purpose for your life. A purpose that cannot be fulfilled if you leave this life.

You have a light inside you. Let that light consume you and shine!

God bless. May Robin and all those taken from us because of suicide rest in peace in the arms of God, free from the pain of depression and content in the garden of heaven. Amen ❤️
*Photo from Disney Memes, Facebook.

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